Fore! Join the Gulf Shores Police Association Golf Scramble on March 5 at the Peninsula Golf Club, 20 Peninsula Blvd., Gulf Shores, Ala. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. with a 1 p.m. start.
Cost is $500 for 4 person team or $125 for single entry. Teams have to enter by Feb. 8.
Golf, range balls, carts, lunch, hole contests, team and door prizes included.

Drop off registration at Gulf Shores Police Department, 220 Clubhouse Dr. Gulf Shores, Ala. Checks for the event or donations should be made out to Gulf Shores Police Association.
For more information, contact Julie Netemeyer at 314-482-9995 or [email protected], or Sgt. Josh Hoguet at (251) 968-4657 or [email protected]