Who knew that summertime Wednesdays could be so wonderful? Join us in July for Wonderful Wednesdays at Bellingrath Gardens and Home, a fun, informative series to help Gulf Coast gardeners and enthusiasts make the most of our extended growing season. Each workshop covers a special feature of the Gardens and Home, or tips for making your garden more spectacular. All sessions begin in the Magnolia Room in the Gift Shop/Café building. For more information, visit bellingrath.org, or call 251-459-8986. Unless otherwise noted, admission fees are $14 for adults, $8 for children ages 5-12 and free to Bellingrath members and to ages 4 and younger.
July 7: Growing Cascade Chrysanthemums, 10:30-11:30 a.m. See what goes into creating the largest outdoor display of cascading chrysanthemums in the country! Chuck Owens, Director of Horticulture, will lead a behind-the-scenes tour of the Bellingrath mum production. Get a sneak peek of the special updates in process for the 2021 show!

July 14: Evening Garden Stroll, 5 to 7 p.m. Stroll the Gardens after hours and enjoy container gardening demonstrations on Live Oak Plaza. Beer, wine and snacks will be available for purchase.
July 14: Viewing the Summer Sky at Bellingrath Gardens, 8 to 10 p.m. Do not miss this very special evening astronomy program, led by members of the University of South Alabama Department of Physics. Following a brief lecture in the Magnolia Room, guests will gather on the Great Lawn to view the night sky. Telescopes will be set up to view planets and constellations. Guests are encouraged to bring binoculars and flashlights.

July 21: Terra Cotta Planter Workshop, 6 to 8 p.m. Join Bellingrath’s Yvonne Clark as she shows you how to create your own one-of-a-kind planter during this special evening craft session. All supplies are included. This session requires a fee of $25 per person to cover the cost of supplies.
July 28: Life in Mobile During the Civil War, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Author and historian Paula Webb, a tenured librarian at the University of South Alabama, will discuss her research on Mobile’s history during the Civil War. Webb is the author of “Mobile Under Siege: Surviving the Union Blockade” and “Such a Woman: The Life of Octavia Walton LeVert.”