Indiana Snowbird Club – 2024-2025
If you are thinking about becoming a Hoosier Snowbird in 2025 or are already a member, come to our first social luncheon at Bahama Bobs restaurant (601 Beach Gulf Shores) at 11am Jan. 13. Reservations need to be made by January 10th by calling Sharon Kimmel (260-229-4344). There will be a social luncheons on January 27 at Cactus Cantina (25311 Perdido Blvd, Orange Beach),and February 17 at Wolf Bay Seafood and Steak (20249 Perdido Beach Bvd. Orange Beach).

The IN Showbird meetings will be held at Sunliner Diner (100 E. 2nd St, Gulf Shores). The meetings are: in Jan. 16th & 30th and in Feb. 13th & 27th. Doors will be open at 9:45am and meetings will start at 10 with lunch at 11. The cost of the meal and beverage will be determined by you as you’ll order from an abbreviated menu. Mandatory dues are $2.50 per person. . There will be meaningful information, a 50/50 drawing, door prizes, and much fun. Come join us to meet old friends and make new ones.

The IN club is joining other clubs to provide a calendar drawing to raise funds for the Ft. Morgan, Gulf Shores, and Orange Beach Fire Departments. There will be only 1000 tickets sold during the month of Jan. and part of Feb., so odds of winning a prize are pretty good. One does not have to  be in attendance at the drawing and it is a tax deduction. Prizes are $50, $100, and $300. 


Update: January 1, 2024

Calling all Indiana Snowbirds and residents of Baldwin Co. who have had a relationship with Indiana to come to our meetings and social lunches. We wish that you would join our club. This year we meet on Feb. 8 and 22. We are gathering at the Live Bait Restaurant (24281 Perdido Beach Blvd.) for a meeting & lunch. The doors open at 9:45am. Mandatory yearly dues are $2.50 per person. The lunch is $15. If you only want to attend the meeting you are more than welcome. We will have a speaker and then conduct business. Business includes a 50/50, door prizes, and gobs of fun.

We also have social luncheons on Feb. 12 at Acme Oyster House (216 W 24th St.) and Feb. 26 at DeSotos (138 W. 1st St.) scheduled. We do need reservations so please call Becky Heidenreich (260)760-5130 three days before the luncheon.

Hope you choose to join us this year.


All IN snowbirds:

Welcome to all IN Snowbirds in Alabama. So glad you have decided to join us this year.

Lunch meetings at Live Bait restaurant (24281 Perdido Beach Blvd.). The first meeting is Jan. 11. Speaker is Grant Brown, Public Information, Recreations, & Cultural Affairs Officer. Second meeting Jan. 25 will feature Ginny Barns, Founder of the Miracle League of Coastal Alabama. Doors open at 9:45 a.m., meeting at 10 a.m., lunch at 11 a.m. Registration is $2.50 per person. Meal cost is $15 per person. If have not previously registered and prepaid, call Becky Heidenreich (260-760-5130) by Jan. 6. A 50/50 drawing benefitting fire stations. Social luncheon Jan. 15, 11 a.m. at Villaggio Grill, 4790 Wharf Blvd.., Orange Beach. Order from the menu. Sign up at the meeting or call Becky Heidenreich.

Come join in the fun, the renewing of old friendships, and making new friends.

Club History

Indiana has a rich tradition of being “Winter Visitors” on the gulf coast. Is it the winter doldrums in that great lakes state that motivates so many Hoosiers to skedaddle out of the state to warmer climes during the winter months? The Indiana Snowbird Club was finally formed in 1996 – 1997. The first formation meeting was held in the old American Legion Hall on AL 59. That building is no longer there, but from the few individuals who were there, the club was born. The club is in session only during the several winter months that visitors are present, and since many Hoosiers do not even arrive until after January 1, we have settled on five regular meetings per season, beginning in January and ending in March. We have met in several different places over the years, but we were the first snowbird club to make arrangements at Lulu’s, on the north bank of the Intracoastal Waterway on Alabama 59 in Gulf Shores.

We have an average attendance at our breakfast buffets of approximately 160 members, who hail from all parts of Indiana. Last year, the club had 217 dues-paying members. Some live permanently in the south but still claim their heritage as a Hoosier. But we create a new membership list every year, members from every part of the state of Indiana, but we remain one of the smaller clubs meeting regularly.