Michigan Snow Bird Club – 2023-2024
Michigan Club is holding its 41st Annual Yooper Luncheon on Feb. 8, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Luna’s at Cosmo’s Courtyard, 25753 Canal Road, Orange Beach, Ala. Buffet lunch begins at noon for $19.50, which includes tax and gratuity, Cash only collected at the door. Drawings and prizes. RSVP by Feb. 1 – Dan Inglis, 906-440-0866 or Sandy Inglis, 906-748-5966. All UP folks and friends are invited.
Club meetings are held at The Island Church, 25550 Canal Rd., Orange Beach. Coffee and doughnuts are served at 9 a.m. with the meeting to start at 10 a.m. Dates are: Jan. 4 and 18; Feb. 1, 15, 29. Annual picnic is Feb. 22. Annual membership is $5 per person. Merchandise is for sale at the meetings. A full schedule of golf outings is available on the website: www.michiganclubalabama.com or michiganclubalabama@gmail.com
Details: www.michiganclubalabama.com or michiganclubalabama@gmail.com.
Join the Club!
The Michigan Snowbird Club is 1200+ strong and growing (except there is no building that can hold over 700 people in the area – We are a social club that has one heck of a good time besides the charity work we do for the area. Every second meeting of the month we have a food drive and every member brings non-perishables to the meeting – we have filled many pick-ups with food.
Every February we have a blood drive and last year our club proudly donated over 120 pints of blood. We would like to think that is a record for visitors in an area. There were other blood drives (Hosted by various groups) and they averaged about 30 pints.
The Michigan Club along with all the other snowbird clubs have adopted the Fire Departments in our area and we had a brat fest (bratwurst sandwiches) we sold over 3,500 sandwiches in about a 5 hour period and over the past three years have donated 7,000 to the fire departments. Many of our snowbirds do volunteer work and Michigan Club has our wonderful clowns that go to various hospitals and entertain the children on a regular basis. We help at the local zoo, schools, hospitals, churches and organize dances, etc.
Full Details available at www.michiganclubalabama.com/index.html