Wisconsin Snobird Club – 2024 – 2025

The Wisconsin Snobird Club boasts a membership of over 700 and activities are open to all winter visitors to the southern Alabama and northern Florida areas.

Coupon Books: If anyone would like to pick up a book they are available from Shari & Greg Riehle 262.305.9236 or email [email protected] or Kenn Krouse 715.927.3927 or email [email protected] They are also available at all of our up coming events.

February update

The WI Sno-bird Club will meet on Wednesdays, March 5 and 12, at the Orange Beach Event Center (OBEC) near the Wharf.  Donuts and coffee at 8:30 am with the meeting beginning promptly at 9 am.  We have a book and puzzle exchange and collect the following:  box tops/logos from General Mills and Johnson & Johnson products, motel-size toiletries, empty ink cartridges, pop top rings.  There is card playing every Friday from 9 am to noon through March 28th at the Lighthouse (455 East Beach Blvd, GS).  Join WI golfers at GlenLakes off CR-20.  The Singles will meet on Tuesdays: March 11 at 11:30 am at Luna’s (25689 Canal Road, OB), March 25 at 4 pm at DeSoto’s (138 W. 1st Avenue, GS), April 8 at 11:30 am at Cobalt (OB), April 22 at 4 pm at GT’s (26189 Canal Road, OB).  April 20 is Easter and the Club, family members and friends are invited to gather at the Orange Beach Community Center at 12:30 pm for visiting with lunch to follow at 2 pm.  Ham, coffee and table service will be provided, so bring a dish to pass and your own beverages.  Please let Kenn know how many are coming with you.  715-927-3927 OR [email protected] OR www.wisconsinsnobirds.com OR find us on Facebook.  Watch Kenn’s e-mails for news about summer luncheons in WI.  See you next year!


JAN. 14  Singles Lunch; Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. at WOLF BAY at 24131 Perdido Beach Blvd. in OB

JAN. 28  Singles Dinner;Tuesday at 4 p.m. at GROOVY GOAT at 105 A S. OWA Blvd in Foley
FEB. 11  Singles Lunch; Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. at OYSTER HOUSE at 701 Gulf Shores Parkway in G.S.
FEB. 25  Singles Dinner;Tuesday at 4 p.m. at COSMOS at 25753 Canal Road in O.B.
MAR. 11 Singles Lunch; Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. at LUNA’S at 25689 Canal Road in O.B.
MAR. 25 Singles Dinner;Tuesday at 4 p.m. at DeSoto’s at 138 W. 1 st Ave in G.S.
APR. 8  Singles Lunch; Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. at  COBALT in O.B.
APR. 22 Singles Dinner;Tuesday at 4 p.m. at GT’S at 26189 Canal Road in O.B.
Wednesday, December 18th is lunch at The Original Oyster House. Lunch is at 11:30 and is off the menu. No sign- up needed


Christmas Dinner is Christmas Day at the Orange Beach Community Center(OBCC). Social is at 12:30, dinner is at 2:00. You DO NEED to sign-up, bring a pass around dish and a Dirty Santa gift.
Sign Up at Lunch this week at The Original Oyster house or you can also sign up by calling or emailing Shari  & Greg Riehle at 262.305.9236  or [email protected]. You can also email me. This dinner is for members, their families and friends. Please included what pass-around dish you will bring. The Wisconsin Club will cook the hams, and have the plates, plastic ware, napkins, serving utensils and coffee.  You can bring any beverage you would like.

Coupon Books: If anyone would like to pick up a book they are available at lunch Wednesday, Christmas dinner and from Shari & Greg Riehle 262.305.9236 or email [email protected] or Kenn Krouse 715.927.3927 or email [email protected] They are also available at all of our up coming events.


The Wisconsin Sno-birds will be meeting at the Orange Beach Event Center near The Wharf on Wednesday, January 8, and Wednesday, January 22.  Coffee and donuts are at 8:30 am and the meetings start promptly at 9 am.  Join us to find out about potlucks, picnics, singles get-togethers and volunteer opportunities while you are here.  We have a puzzle and book exchange and collect box tops/logos from General Mills and Johnson & Johnson products, motel soaps and toiletries, empty ink cartridges and pop top rings.  There is golfing with special rates at GlenLakes off CR 20 and card playing every Friday, from January 2 through March 28 at The Lighthouse, 455 East Beach Blvd, Gulf Shores.  Join us to see who else comes to LA (Lower Alabama) from your area of WI!  Questions:  call Kenn 715-927-3927    OR check www.wisconsinsnobirds.com

Gary & Nancy Durgin, WI Sno-bird Club, gave $3825 in the form of Walmart gift cards to Tammy Holland, Asst. Director of the Foster Children Program for Baldwin County on November 25, 2024.  The 153 $25 gift cards will be given to the foster children to purchase a Christmas gift of their choosing.  Tammy said they have over 200 children of all ages in their program this year.  The WI Sno-birds donated the funds at their January, February and March 2024 meetings.  The first meeting of 2025 will be on Wednesday, January 8, at 9 am at the Orange Beach Event Center.

December Meetings
  • Wednesday December 4th we will have lunch at Pa Pa Rocco’s in Gulf Shores. Lunch is at 11:30 and is off the menu. NO sign up is needed.
  • Wednesday December 11th breakfast will be at The Ugle Diner. Breakfast is at 8:30 and is off the menu. NO SIGN UP is needed

2024-2025 Wisconsin Snobird Calendar

OBEC is Orange Beach Event Center OBCC is Orange Beach Community Center

CALENDAR DRAWING: February 12th 19th 26th March 5th & 12th

Drawing is at 6:00 pm at the Gulf Shores #1 FD station

Nov. 6 Breakfast Kitty’s Kafe 8:30

Nov. 13 Breakfast Ugly Diner 8:30

Nov. 20 Breakfast Gulf Shores Diner 8:30 (HWY 59 & Cty Rd. 4

Nov. 28 Thanksgiving Dinner OBCC 12:30 2:00 sign up

Dec. 4 Lunch PaPa Rocco’s 11:30

Dec. 11 Breakfast 8:30 ??

Dec. 18 Lunch Original Oyster House 11:30

Dec. 25 Christmas Dinner OBCC 12:00 1:30 sign up



Luck OBCC 10:00 11:30 sign up


Feb. 11 * pin no Tap bowling 9:00 & 1:00 for Christian Services Gulf Bowl Foley

Feb.12 Pot Luck OBCC 10:00 11:30 sign up

Feb. 15 Trivia Night 6:00 OBEC ??


Feb. 26 Club Picnic OBCC 10:00 11:30 Wednesday sign up & refundable deposit

March 4 Fat Tuesday/ Mardi Gras



April 20 Easter Dinner 12:30 2:00 sign up

CARD PLAYING on Fridays Starting Jan. 2 through March 28 9:00 @ The Lighthouse on East Beach Blvd.

SPECIAL GOLF RATES: for Wisconsin Snobirds @ Glen Lakes. Tell the desk you are a Wisconsin Snobird.

Calendar Drawing Tickets are $10.00 with drawings for everyday, February 15 thru March 17

$50.00: Feb 18th, Feb. 19th, Feb. 20th, Feb 21, Feb. 24, Feb 25, Feb. 26, Feb. 27, March 3, March 6, March 7, March 11, March 12, March 13, March 14
$100.00: Feb. 15, Feb. 16, Feb. 22, Feb. 23, March 1, March 2, March 8, March 9, March 15, March 16
$200.00: Feb. 17th, Feb. 28th, March 4th, March 5th, March 10th
$300.00: March 17
$400.00: Feb. 14

Drawing dates are Feb.12, 19, 26, March 5 & 12. All drawings are at 6:00 at Gulf Shores Fire Station #1

Below is a information sheet of a POSSIBLE TOUR this winter!  Fred Carson our over night tour chairperson is looking to see if there is enough interest in this tour. He is asking if you are interested please contact Fred at 251-424-3061 or [email protected]  This is only a We/I am interested in this 4 night tour from February 10 – 14 to South Carolina.

Update: January 16, 2024

The WI Sno-birds will meet on Wednesday, February 7, and Wednesday, February 14, at 8:30 am for donuts and coffee with the meeting starting at 9 am at the Orange Beach Event Center (OBEC) at the Wharf.  There will be information about golfing and the Picnic.  Also, we collect boxtops from General Mills and Johnson & Johnson products, motel toiletries, empty printer ink cartridges and pop top rings.

On Tuesday, February 13 at 10 am there will be an 8-pin No Tap Bowling Event to benefit the Christian Service Group.  It will take place at Foley’s Gulf Bowl where you can also sign up now to join a team for the day.  Door prizes and raffles are for the bowlers as well as the spectators!  This is organized by Snow Birds, but open to anyone who wants to have FUN!
On Saturday, February 17, Trivia Night begins at 6 pm at the OBEC at the Wharf.  Sign up ahead of time with the South Baldwin Literacy Council.  The Orange Beach public Library will also benefit from this event.
Sheephead cards has moved to the Villagio Grille at the Wharf – Fridays from 9 am to noon – stay for lunch.  For more information find us on the web – Wisconsinsnobirds OR call Mike at 414-303-5904.


Join online or before a meeting. Dues are $4 each year. Members pay $2 at each at the door to cover meeting costs. Details: Membership Chair Tom Chestnut at [email protected]. The 2024 general meetings (arrive at 8:30 a.m.) are 9 a.m. Jan. 10, 23; Feb. 7, 14 at Orange Beach Event Center, 671 Wharf Pkwy., Orange Beach. Final meetings March 7 and 13 at Orange Beach Community Center, 27235 Canal Rd., Orange Beach. Other events: SnoBird Potluck Jan. 24, 10 a.m, OBCC, 27235 Canal Rd., Orange Beach; New Orleans bus trip Feb. 20-22; Feb. 27, 10 a.m., March 7 to 11:30 a.m., Zoo Fun Day, 20499 Oak Rd. E, Gulf Shores, Alabama. Plus card games and golf outings. Multi-club fundraisers: Feb. 12 – 8 Pin No-Tap Bowling, The Gulf Bowl, 2881 S. Juniper St., Foley and Feb. 17 – Trivia Night, 6 p.m. OBEC 4671 Wharf Pkwy., Orange Beach. Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras are widely celebrated.

Details: www.wisconsinsnobirds.com or Wisconsinsnobirds on Facebook.

The WI Sno-bird Club gave 57 $25 gift cards to the Baldwin County DHR for Christmas gifts for the Foster Children Program. Photo shows Gary Durgin giving the cards to Tina Green, Program Supervisor.